Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.

This show supports: Joe and Marie Bolland’s Helping Hands is a non-profit empowering amputees and other people with limb differences to realize their boundless potential through transformative collaboration with their peers. We nurture a mindset of infinite possibilities, foster self-advocacy, and inspire our community to live a life without limitations.

03/30/2025 6:00 PM

Door Time: 5:00 PM

Other Showtimes

Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.

This show supports: Joe and Marie Bolland’s Helping Hands is a non-profit empowering amputees and other people with limb differences to realize their boundless potential through transformative collaboration with their peers. We nurture a mindset of infinite possibilities, foster self-advocacy, and inspire our community to live a life without limitations.

No refunds or exchanges.
Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.
Ages 18+

Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.

This show supports: Joe and Marie Bolland’s Helping Hands is a non-profit empowering amputees and other people with limb differences to realize their boundless potential through transformative collaboration with their peers. We nurture a mindset of infinite possibilities, foster self-advocacy, and inspire our community to live a life without limitations.